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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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to visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revised wells and increases systems caught on read, chris the topics for our goal is to cease fire rock up and kyra says it's keen for an agreement about israel's prime minister reiterates his refusal to end the war and exchange transferring the hello i'm just all the time. this is alger 0 at life and don't also coming to the police raid i'll just here is premises and occupied east jerusalem off to benjamin s. and y'all, whose government shutdown operations in israel, as well as military says it's closing the time of the southern border crossing
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after 3 soldiers were killed in a raucous attack nearby. the chinese president children being arrives in paris for europe and jonathan. licensed round of negotiations for us to sign it and also has ended in the egyptian capital. kyra and crucial gaps remained between israel and her last most maintains, at once a permanent end to the was part of any deal, as well as prime minister has found me rejected at that demand. but in smith's reports from ramallah and he occupied westbank to the more than 1000000 palestinian sheltering and rough uh it must feel like israel has already started its promised invasion based with a family home hit bind is rarely striking on sunday to the negotiations issue. we've reached a disappointing stage. we're not hoping that anything was already hurt,
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as god may go to help us and rescue us from this whole deal. negotiations were a ceasefire or to stay only. how must insist on an end to the war. israel says it's willing only to pause the fighting to secure the release. suff captives on a visit to gaza is rose defense minister suggested a major rough operation is coming on. the home is i am, we are identified. alarming science at home. us actually does not intend to go into any agreement with us. this means we will start military actions and rough uh, and the entire gaza strip in the very near future. almost blames israel for the failure to reach a deal so far saying in a statement, the movement of firms is positive and a responsible approach in his keenest and determination to reach an agreement that meets the national demands of our people and the aggression completely. she's withdrawal from the entire goes, a strip returns the displace intensified relief begins reconstructions and completes the prisoner exchange deal. the united nations is warning,
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but any rough incursion would put hundreds of thousands of lives at risk and be a huge blow to the 8 operations of the entire gaza strip. and israel has close the count them other asylum, crossing into gauze, or to aid convoys. after homicide rockets, it is really military station nearby. how much representatives are leaving cairo for further consultations, but they say they will be back there on tuesday in the c, i is direct to william burns as arrived in doha for an emergency meeting. with cons as prime minister to see if there's a way of preventing the cx 5 talks from collapsing. bernard smith, i'll just say era ramallah the occupied westbank. palestine has got some reaction from the ground and speak to tar cowboys. and he's in rafa and southern garza for us talk, there's been so much hope in recent days that they might be some kind of a break through. i know people that have been following these folks very, very closely as well. people in fact,
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as find the, this round of negotiations completely different to due to the unprecedented momentum of price that being practiced by the american administration and regional but the 8th is not only and homeless but also when they use very strongly to accept the proposal that has been pro, to the type of box. people here have a great sense of optimism within the past couple of days. but today this optimism has window due to the leaks that the are still some sticking points regarding the agreement that i'm off from it side wants to bring a 10 minute ceasefire agreements. while the is by the side wants to bring a temper, bose in which they can get the captives and later they can guarantee the continuation of the will on the gaza strip. and that's what policy and generally do not want to happen. they are really prepared right now to do to back their items in order to return back to the house is in light of the positive atmosphere that is
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learning. but they have a kind of a very heads in frustration regarding the collapse of negotiation which from the palestinian perspective will bring the disastrous consequences in terms of the invasion of rough or, and even with excessive fate, the humanitarian misery, that palestinians have been going through. since october, the 7th, you talk about disastrous consequences that talk as the step and logic back and forth continues. i see now, image of age crossing is close. dr. her mazda attacked me by us. yeah, so that's why it's uh, the monitoring of how much has announced its own responsibility to attack the car was selling across thing, but generally it was an area that was target is the military base that is 2 kilometers away from the point from which the vast majority of humanitarian supplies are getting into the gaza strip. at least a number of is bailey. so just being in judge we're talking about the street is
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spanish, so just being killed. this has been confirmed just a couple of minutes, so that along side with the 3 of those who have been right now and critical condition in which saving you treatments and is valley hospitals. but yet, the attack has been carried out using short range missiles, as in return to its very military has shut down the term of a sound. the cursing preventing the flow of age into the garza stripe. but yet we have been seeing more exchange of fire. but we know how much time you spend all the parts of the gaza strip, including needs during junction and even the, the area of a is a to neighborhood where the confrontations, the raging. i'm a new lake topping fighting, of course. the entire beseeching play of which has been subjected to intense buttonwood. dozens of palestinians have been killed within the past 24 hours. to talk up was there in the reporting for us from the ground, from rough on the southern parts of the gulf and strip. thank to tarik. well that's not bringing out. is there a senior political?
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i'm a small in the shower. he joins me here in the studio and it's awesome. feels with negotiations that the 2 parties a very, very far apart. and then all of a sudden there's some kind of a breakthrough. there's obviously a lot of rest rake, a lot of clustering going on right now. i'm curious, what you think is actually going on behind the scenes. and as you say, um, as any student of diplomacy will tell you, this is the nature of the beast, all these ups and downs and going and circles and cycles. yeah. but usually there is one or 2 or 3 main points of contention that you need to focus on in order to resolve whatever the outstanding problem is. unfortunately, in the international media, with all the leaks, especially with different parties leaking different things. they tend to confuse the picture and you know, they, that, and every leak has an intention behind it. so one has to kind of block out the noise, distilled the chaos, and just focus on what's important. and in this case,
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at once, a lot of the issues have been resolved like the number of prisoners ratio to the number of captives the number of days. uh, a phase one on face to how these right is might or might not re deploy in or out of guys. all of these things have been sort of worked out. but the main issue today is ceasefire. yeah, we'll, we'll continue. the nature of this is fine. yeah. is it a temporary cease fire as nothing you all want so he can continue with the water off of that? or is it a long cease fire? that's what actually eventually to code amenities fire as have mouse once and apparently the by them administration. and this is what's been sort of books that go about this impasse is that usually the impasse is for sydney ends on the one side is there on the opposite side. on the other side. in this very particular case,
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it seems for the time being, what burns burns, they uh, that does have a c, i a and the categories and injections on have us are based on the same sites. they, one to 5 minutes east fire. there's nothing new whole that object stuff are beneficial. i will say the fact that bill bens is now here in the hall meeting with some of the other mediators. i understand this is an emergency meeting of thoughts to see that is a good sign, a bad sign. well, it has to be a good time because at least there is momentum, right? and certainly that might cause that not only not given got but they are persist. now, i'm gonna have to do some guessing, and you get to guessing. uh, he's not here for the sun. you know, he's certainly trying to work out how can the united states convince him us through that? mediators that it is serious about spending the water gods on guys that
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it's serious, that although the ceasefire looks temporary, i didn't phases, but the american administration wouldn't make sure that this 10 for that, that they need still permanency right now. or it seems like they might as busy as i was saying to them and there there's and to have us take our word for it. so can you know fine, but we want a bit more than that because god knows what the future hides. we wouldn't get into these, right? it's very difficult for the americans to give also they've got these. remember i'm, i don't want to take too long, but at one point with the radians, there really is worry about the nuclear deal. the thing to buy the recession, we want to increase a guarantees that even if the next administration comes, it will still respect the deal because, you know what happens before obama. i give us a did and then some booked away. but if we have something similar now, so how much once i get into, i'm not sure the americans can give them guarantees,
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but they probably give something similar will the very fact that bill benz is here, i mean, really shows how much of the key mediator in the contract, the husband and, and not just and in terms of the war on cause of it, but for many years when it comes to the israel, palestine. what do then make of the timing of the shutting down of alger? there is offices and operations in israel. is this a message to capital? you know, i mean, sometimes the message is how, how is received and how it's sent. so, but as, as a 3rd, a 3rd the, you know, particular oh i as an objective observer, if you wait, i don't think so. right. i don't think the pressure is on cut are too close. don't have mouse and got the i think this is just wall street journal based on some is ready sources picked up by authors and i haven't gotten those home. i don't think there's any of the serious at my understanding is that there hasn't been no pressures on got to,
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to do anything about the closing down. how about some of that sort of stuff. we are still in the middle of negotiations. and to be honest, that the americans are serious in this negotiation. they're not playing games. oh, that's close down. that's not close down. that's what was done. what is it a $45.00 days? let's pick out. come us. i think all of this is humbug. basically. uh, the fuse by these really isn't their friends in america, media and so on, so forth. i think for the time being the closure of i just see it is a desperate step on the part of the is really a government that is getting tired of deflecting is getting tired of hiding, standing, getting tired of covered and got for 12 crimes. and some of its friends in new york or god knows where they're spending them. you know what, why don't you just shut down this network because it keeps exposing your dirty laundry? is this thing to see some of the reaction? what was the lack there of to, to what happened today. the us, for instance, is obviously usually very, very quick to, to jump to the defense of the freedom of the press. but i do believe we have hot
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from the white house or washington on this today. well, let's go to the sunday. ok. give them the benefit of a doctor. let's wait until tomorrow. okay. because something happens in washington by the way of someone who worked and lived in washing for a long time. something happens weird in washington, just people go out to maryland or virginia and they don't have lots of camp david, right? i tell you what's surprising and this is, this is serious. we haven't heard much from the american journalists, an american, is there a journalist and why do i say he's really drones? because even if you are in, is there any joining us on a back on to another? so think october's 7 is the worst thing that happens to the setup since the holocaust. and if you think of how much is a fetters organization, then if you think, yeah, but a seniors are wrong and is i did not get 40000 people killed 2000 the whatever. if it's worse comes to closing down a jersey or that has been gaining prizes in the united states and in europe one
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year after another as the best news network of the year, every day of the year, right. june, out of should stand up for the, for the whole expression and should be different thing. i'll just see you on the show around as you're a senior political analyst. thank you for sharing your thoughts again with us here in the student. as we were just talking about is ready. the police have rated out of here is work space isn't occupied, the service and seizing equipment that that was all off to as well decided to shut down the networks operations in the country out of there has come down to the roof and says it will fit you all available legal channels and responds and also what's happening. and on president of the site is really police read and it shows he does workspace in occupied east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations. the government order,
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which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment, preventing the networks broadcast, and blocking its websites. i'm so nice, lots of pay for the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouthpiece of a moss and israel al jazeera. i just need a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement just the, the media network condemned the measure saying in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover.
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whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on guns up. the network vehemently rejects the allegations, present, advise really, authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what the last month, the white house said israel's plans to close the network were quote true, concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict and gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the foreign press association, which for these really government to reverse what did called a harmful step. adding that this was a dark day for the media. and the dark day for democracy and the central
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jersey was still a head here on al jazeera schools out for the summer of the solar dyers. he protests. the goal is to continue in the united states, will have the very latest from campus, from attorney, cheng and east to me and my with finances in the military struggling for control of one of the country's most important trade highway. the . now we've just gone through, it's about a fairly wet weather in new south wales. is this jerry stuff here, but that in the full cost is fading away. so the picture, for example, on monday is still on the show rent rather for sydney. it also has been not to the same extent where there's been some welcome sherry stuff in west australia. there's not much of back left on the post about 21 for me to 24 by the time to get to
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tuesday. i'm drawing a picture of a nuisance files that still probably ever cost sydney north was up towards brisbin and using the pictures quite benign at the moment. elijah's grades but the directions almost irrelevant. sundays are 12 degrees in christ church. rather, what's the weather in indonesia said in the eastern side, this in the a band to see shows where they actual races, but it's and hanging around a bit further west, for example, in southern solar waste. the and he is pretty widespread funding. rescue is necessary. now this is in some places 3 meet the defensive, rushed through, but typically is pretty wet weather anyway at this time of year should be fading out. but you saw what the forecast said, the eastern side of into the still like to have some big house further west. okay, until you get to see march event looks that he went equally a good pomp of vietnam louse and still southern china is joining and was heavy rain along with good positive japan the
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calling attention to any quality pollution and extra design shortcomings in kenny is low income communities, silent brother was killed by police. they don't fit the voices, but the one past one day and organizer on the record. how old are these people for the begun? so for me it's in buffalo and it helps you if you didn't put on the bus that he pulled up the button generation change. can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a dizzy to the welcome back. you're watching on to 0. let's remind you about top stories,
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the cell, the latest round of negotiations for as the spot and goals i have now ended in egypt and capital kyra says it's key and for an agreement that is really need is say, a deal is far from being female. israel has closed the car and we saw them crossing one of 2 major crossings used to bring age into casa. is there any minute? she says 3 of its soldiers were killed in a raucous attack nearby from us as i'm doing the cast number gates has claimed responsibility. is there any police of rated out of there is what space is unoccupied? east jerusalem teasing equipment that's off to israel decided to shut down the networks operations in the country as a 0 has condemned to the move and says it will for 2 or available legal channels in protest against israel's war on gaza or continuing on university campuses across the united states, even as graduation seasons begins students at the university of california and a vine on demanding the university divest from companies with ties to israel and
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weapons manufacturers to accept between the universities. chauncey and students on going full of l has more from the peaceful protests on that campus. it's very calm, it's very peaceful. they are in active talks with the university, and there's no sense that anything is gonna get out of hand to have. i'm not expecting any violence, but i'll tell you more about you see i want to just a 2nd cuz i want to tell you about a developing situation here or one that develops in the last few hours about an hour north in los angeles, at the university of southern california usa. now this is a site that is actually be quite difficult to cover as a journalist because this is a private site and they do not want media anywhere near it. so a lot of information has been given to the media by the student showed list who were inside and therefore have i assessed person's perspective. now, this means a number of and comments that this was actually the 2nd a company that was clear. the 1st one was clear last month and more than 90 people were arrested. they came back on the sides. they set up another and comments about a week ago, and the university said,
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you've got to go this morning at around 4 o'clock local time. the police moved and they were about 50 police offices from the los angeles police departments. dressed in right. right there, they moved, then they said to the protest as you have to leave or you will be arrested. those protest this old left voluntarily noticed that were arrested. i think most processes realize that that particular incumbents had reached, if not to a conclusion, for the time being. so the account was cleared within a couple of hours. we understand that a huge 6 foot wall has now been erected all around that paul, to stop any more precise is getting guy on that side. i'm building up, i know the right company, but we've seen a number of processors here in california. also in los angeles and also dental college, there's a, a protest by the north and go and sacramento, universe state university. we understand that there's a protest in san francisco with there's a protest. i also, and many other universities. so i would say lots, but here you see, i find at least things of very calm like contrast students and confidence
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protesting the war and goals that have been cleared by the police at the university of texas at austin. but student demonstrates is on now joining forces of trade unions to hold a made a protest in solidarity with palestinians, including the old unions to condemn israel and are protesting against the use of us made wesson's in his room. see what times he has more for us from that protest on campus. the secretary been under to by the violins arrest. we saw a few days ago on this very, very campus. 5th celebration is because side with the made a holiday. it's a unity notice would students, in fact would be for the labor unions, labor organizes on workers as well. workers are the cornerstone of every institution around the world that makes anything happen, whether that's through labor's labor unions, excuse me, or whether that's through uh, you know, active protests. and so in order to shift power or ship change or shift monitor monetary investments in these institutions, we as workers and students and labors,
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need to come together and use our collective voice. how's the campus demonstrations? we protested, scared, remodeling that? the university of texas austin, divest from what they call the as riley war machine, but authorities that are not negotiating valid, engaging with those issues. however, that haven't been successes of other universities around the country. shepard can see out, is there a austin, texas, leaders from the organization that has the cooperation all gathered in the can be and capital. so the final day of a summit the to discuss israel's war on garza representatives had been considering a resolution to the conflict in the occupied territories. tensions between israel and iran. the warrants who don on the rise and is on a phobia and races. and what also on the agenda that comes in the home, it has more from the county and capital bundle, or is it the president of the just stuff that he's a he finished closing the somebody. i spoke to him and asking a few questions. i felt asking and how, what is the oh,
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i see on the organization of this, let me corporation, what they're doing with regards to is viable investment and present them about who is the champ the oil i see under president. yes, it is right. and needs to come to the negotiating table. the event will not keep anything. by bombarding garza, he went on some nation how to meditate in crisis in love that would make peace thoughts or reaching peace agreement difficult if not the most. and then the present one on to say, the situation in rough law is extremely dire, not any military action, but is that i would even make it was the one that would be too many katie and cut the score. he said that you know, lice would be lost and it would make peace both extremely difficult. the president then i asked him by if he was surprised by what he saw happening in the gaza strip . he said this shows
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a feeling that uncomfortable diplomacy. i'm offended by the international community and in finding a solution. i then also asked the president, i down the bottom about is the decision to close a 0? he said, does not have a democratic country behaves me on law, the bible for the board. a town of me, a body has raged for the past 3 weeks, rebels and the military have been fighting for control of that area. and the 1st for special reports on to 0 is correspondent tony chang, travel to the front lines and kind stays. he spoke with one of the revel. kalonde is that his, his report, a fight is from the pro democracy peoples defense posts. take defensive positions. this is the main road between the time border and yang going in most commercial hub, the town level by palms from the military gym to or a say see state administration counsel. the civilians long gone. the cattle ran
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freely in the streets. they even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway, everything call correct me or what a, an area that the s i see had been pushed out of that it's still not completely under control. the pro democracy forces and they were fight digits in the yeah, so they've been very careful about exposing themselves to pass along the asian highway has been this when these columns that military reinforcements force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder. most of beans still say the fight is that some did slip through had a constant threat from the yeah. but even the heaviest weapons can do little to risk. now, i'll be the man in charge of pdf operations such as grace is concerned, isn't the military genta, but unity within the opposition department,
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we are not afraid of the weapons we say, or the one thing group off about tillery or strikes and not to the vision and the limits we do not care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united gentlemen. move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding. well, pdf point is under korean. combined travel freely through the countryside, looking tracts, tendon to supply chain highways, hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for fight is killed in trying to tax a new weapon. the military is deployed, you know? yeah, well yeah, i'm sad whenever i come right to die, but we are mentally paff, with sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting to fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died, but nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeeds july like a lot,
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but it's months, chum, pres, for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for a cause and the victory. they now went, tast toni chang else. is there a guy in states? no, i'm a sometime. this present season being has arrived in france for a red visit with the president to manual back from the asset to discuss the trade and made a growing tension between europe and china. opening balance between china is exports and european imports. michael and will also push the chinese president to use his influence on russia over the war and ukraine following his trip to france. president susan thing will be continuing on, wants to sub yeah. and then to hungry katrina, you reports from the chinese capital for the 1st time since the beginning of the curve and 19 pandemic. chinese president student pain is heading to your sense of phone. what this visit is of great. so you can, if it tends to promote the overall development of china's relations, was from so so be hungry and euro will also inject new momentum into
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a peaceful development of the world to see last visit the continent in 2019 to 3 nations. he's visiting, hoping to attract more chinese investment 1st up fronts. what you'll be hosted by president and mine, one account that you mentioned dating last year. they're expected to sign deals on nuclear energy and agriculture, as well as china is purchase of of us across the conflict in the middle east is also on the agenda. presidency will meet with your pain commission president, us live on the line, who is accused of painting a flooding. the market would understand the subsidized goods. last year, the you launched an investigation into chinese electric vehicle imports. presidency wants to deepen twice with europe as it moves closer to the us attentions, but the look are running. you leaders have criticized trying to support aggressive during its invasion of the brain. and since the agent poses any.


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